Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Balanced Life with God

This is definitely something that everyone needs to hear and it is applicable to all walks of life. We are reminded that the formula for life success is just following God and obeying His words, however, having a balanced life is different.

Bro. Roden breaks it down into three things that one should do if we want to have a balanced life with God.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Allow me to share my morning Devo...
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬
This is EXACTLY what I needed. I have been really preoccupied with a lot of things recently that I have forgotten to pause and check where I am right now. I have been running and trying to catch up on things as if I am running against time. I was in a hurry, always rushing into work-related tasks, trying to pour my efforts and time on them and yet they all come out half-baked and unprepared. I was always dishonoring my time in going home that I end up getting fewer hours of sleep than before - resulting in more problems in the morning as it gets more difficult to wake myself up. I used to be someone who strictly honors time and hates procrastination, however, things are not happening as it should be...

Thursday, March 29, 2018

How God Paid off my Credit Card Debt

As a follower of Christ, I already know how intentional His love is for us but it is always a refreshing feeling to be reminded especially whenever we feel so lost, alone, and troubled. While I do know God’s love, the question is, Am I receiving it the right way?

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Who Are You in Christ?

Last week, we were reminded of God's work through Paul. The command was very clear; we were encouraged to pray without ceasing that God may give us ways on how to speak of His Glory. For new believers like me, we need to be reminded how to live among non-believers and be steadfast in showing them the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For the old believers, you need to be reminded of why you started in the faith and that you have to finish the race strong. As we all walk with the Spirit, regardless of our spiritual “tenure”, we need to make the most out of every opportunity to make Jesus Christ known and to represent Him well in our way of living; however, we all know that it is not easy.

Friday, February 16, 2018

A Call to Persevere

Despite all the mistakes and pains we have given and we have been through, we are all called to rejoice in hope, patience in repentance, and be in constant prayer. We sometimes pray and obey in times of assurance but not in times of doubt thus, we fear. Why? It is because we are unsure of God's plans for us - or so I thought and after attending B1G13, Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi taught me otherwise. God's plans and his Will are given way back and they are all written in the Bible.
18 But if you refuse to surrender, you will not escape! This city will be handed over to the Babylonians, and they will burn it to the ground.’”
19 “But I am afraid to surrender,” the king said, “for the Babylonians may hand me over to the Judeans who have defected to them. And who knows what they will do to me!”
20 Jeremiah replied, “You won’t be handed over to them if you choose to obey the Lord. Your life will be spared, and all will go well for you. Jeremiah 38:18-20 NLT
The only problem is that we do not obey Him even though everything is already written in the scriptures! It is a known fact that we do not obey God's Will because we have the "see first to believe" attitude and we need to be convinced first before we obey. I was totally struck when I was reminded of my old self and how I wanted to see answered prayers first before I could believe that God really answers them. If you are reading the Bible, then you know what I am talking about, but it is not enough that we just know God's Will - obedience is needed.

My Testimony

How it All Began: My Testimony